Group: Black and White

[CONTEST #3] Still life - POSTING OPEN

Roberto Ballerini - traveling
29 Oct 2007 - 1 comment - 1 422 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

If you want to play a little, let's start with friendly contests.
Everyone can post in large size a single shot about the contest argument.
The contest is open to the first 10 shots.
After the 10th shot is posted, we start voting.
Everyone has a single vote.
The first shot to have 10 votes will win the contest; it will be showcased in the group front page and in a new group that will act as a gallery.
Every member can propose a contest, but only admins can start it (to avoid too much contests at the same time).
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shady creatures on my table
16 years ago.

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