Dunkle Wolken über der Kirche von Vík í Mýrdal - D…

Dirty Habit

Oropa (Biella), the monumental Royal Door of the S…

Le château de Lanquais (24) vu du chemin

Gadebusch, alte Feuerwache ... HFF !

Gadebusch, Lübsche Straße im Sonnenlicht

Victorian Stables, Ingestre Hall, Staffordshire

Screen, Ingestre Church, Staffordshire

Ingestre Church, Staffordshire, built in 1676.

Gadebusch, Steinstraße

A l'extérieur du centre international pariétal de…

Serpa, Olaias

Le théâtre de l'art pariétal au centre internation…

Face Your Fears

Clouds and a crane

Gherkin and taxi


Lloyds Building, London

Torino - The entrance of Umberto I Gallery

Torino - The Palatina gate

Metropolitan Cathedral-Basilica of the Nativity of…

Venice architecture and reflections - Topaz Filter


Scenery in Bagan, Myanmar

Shwezigon Pagoda - Bagan

A Gatehouse to Fulham Palace London - for HFF

Union Building rear elevation and rear development…

Royal Garrison Church of All Saints, Aldershot, (T…