Group: Pictures for Pam

Cuivré Commun (Lycaena phlaeas)

Dahlia 269 copy

Bon we à tous *


In splendid isolation. (H. A. N. W. E. Everyone)!

Nanaimo Ferry to Newcastle Island (Saysutshun) + H…

The Garden in the Corner of Sandy's Yard


HFF to all!!

Purple Iris

Bon vendredi & Bon we à tous !

HFF Everyone!

back to spring

Mourning dove (Zenaida macroura)

Time and Tide (PiPs) HFF!

Kaffir Lily or River Lily

Light & Shade of Loch Fada,

Portreath. The Pepper Pot

Pour voir la vie en rose ...

Comme un miroir

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