Group: ...Only Lady's Creativity.. -Kreativität nur von Frauen - créativité des femmes uniquement- Sólo creatividad femenina- Creatività solo femminile

Moonlit shopping

flower straight from camera - SSC

Five elements

A red car arrived...

in the art laboratory

Mood machine

Butterscotch dreams

"Misty" par Errol Garner

Trouble in mind

fragil ...

Un joyeux anniversaire à mon amie Anny Ayraud

the bottle

Stages of havoc

Grain mill in "daguerrotype"

Venice architecture and reflections - Topaz Filter

Pink (HFF)

what is it?

a look in the watering can

Land und Meer - Ebbe und Flut

sentimenti di tenerezza ... [black sunday 2]

... nur nicht die Ballance verlieren ... [black su…

The Three Powers