Group: " - Ein Stein - "

All by itself this rock has this colouring!

Sierra de La Cabrera granite

Golfe du Morbihan (56) 11 juin 2013.

La Cabrera granite

Rolling Stone

'I'm getting rather bored with this view, dear aft…

The Elephant's Back

Камень на левом берегу каньона реки Горный Тикич

Le chat qui miaule.. je l'ai dénommé ainsi

Buchsblättrige Kreuzblume (Polygala chamaebuxus)

La Sierra de La Cabrera, granite forms

To help the 2 people who pass this way once a year…



Bolivian Altiplano, Arbol de Piedra (Stone Tree) a…

Bolivian Altiplano, Arbol de Piedra (Stone Tree)

La Sierra de La Cabrera

Just granite

Up close and personal with Mushroom Rock

That's a rockin' good way

Mushroom Rock

Still standing!

St Juliot Church - Ancient Cornish wayside cross

That neolithic cliff-top tomb again!

Wasser - water - aqua - eau

Another odd granite structure