Group: Drink / Dinken

La part des anges .

The 50 Im.Project-27/50-some tea after the ice cre…

Would you like a cocktail?

The 50 Images Project - 22/50 - Ice Tea

Im Wein liegt die Wahrheit ...

The 50 Images Project - 20/50 -transparent bag

Im Kaiser, bei Kaiserwetter und Kaiser-Bier ~ Oste…

Happy Easter!

Eiskalt genießen! - Enjoy ice cold! (◕‿-)

The 50 Images Project- Tea Bag- 6/50- one bag for…

The 50 Images Project- tea bag -5/50 - still dry

Crete. Tholos Beach. 200309 ... ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫


Coffee break - now!

¿ sıɐnboɹɔ ɐl ǝɾ ıs ʇǝ ˙˙˙

Le beaujolais nouveau est arrivé

Ben mon cochon ..!!!


Bogø Havn

through the glass

coffee time

Some Coffee on a rainy Afternoon

dans les tons bleu verre