Group: Protected areas in nature and landscape protection

Serra da Freita, Portugal

Autumn Jewels...

Santa Cruz, Portugal HFF


When the Blue is coming in...

Misty Day 2...

Misty Day 1...

Au pays des Merveilles / Utah Wonderland

Paysage hors du commun selon Annick (UTAH)

Penedo, Portugal


Murtosa, Portugal

Saint-Front (43) 31 mars 2014. Hameau de Bigorre.


Sky of my Hometown...

Sign of Faithfulness and Hope...

Rainbow above Swan lake...

hikers paradise

Sintra, Portugal


Yes, I'm here...

Rein in die Rheinschlucht!

Serra da Freita, Portugal HFF

Serra da Freita, Portugal

Good Morning Sun...

Und ob ich schon wanderte im finstern Tal ...