Group: 15+ Favourites

Mascate : Una doppia nicchia laterale nella moskea…

Godrevy and rock pool.

washed away

Saint Mathieu

Mutrah : un'altra scultura marina sul porto

Mutrah : ingresso al Souq - nella vetrata i rifles…

San Francisco, arriving

Mountain stream in granite country

The eastern half of the ridge of La Sierra de La C…

The olive tree of Vouves

100 Percent Organic

bloomy Fiat

Geflecktes Knabenkraut

Fallugia paradoxa, Grand Canyon USA

Ferocactus hamatacanthus, Turk's head, Barrel cact…

Kali turgida, Monument Valley, USA

Yucca brevifolia, Joshua tree, Death Valley

inside the olive press


Quedlinburg - Schloss in Kugel 3

Mutrah : il marciapiede della lunga passeggiata su…

... zwischendurch mal wieder eine Blüte ...

HFF, everyone!

summer fences

swiss highlands

... in Harmonie

broken windows