Group: Ipernity Members Association Project

26 April 2017: Acceptance!

William Sutherland
27 Mar 2017 - 16 comments - 4 572 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Based on a Skype® call today with Christophe, there is reason for optimism. The Ipernity platform appears to remain viable with the new reality – decline in memberships since January and existing direct expenses, some of which can be reduced resulting in up to 5000 Euros of savings per year. We are awaiting further information.

It is anticipated IMA will receive firm numbers and copies of invoices regarding revenues, expenses and actual membership figures by the end of the week that hopefully confirms site viability.

Other topics such as contractual obligations (negligible aside from Amazon Cloud), network configuration and transfer logistics were also discussed. Also please be sure if IMA takes over the platform, all features including compatibility with mobile apps will remain.

Please know we do not take your donations and the responsibility thrust upon us lightly. If the site is viable with a bright long-term future we will enter into agreement with Ipernity S.A. early next week. If it is not viable or the long-term future remains uncertain, we will end the effort and return the donations. Disappointment alone is better than disappointment and loss of money.

If we enter into agreement to takeover the platform, please know the original 100K Euro revenue-sharing figure based on certain outcomes has been removed. This is a win for everyone here since it will allow this excess revenue to be invested into the site and give IMA flexibility to consider a reduction in membership dues.

Finality is near. A final Skype® call will be held early next week to conclude a deal one way or the other. We ask for a few more days of your patience even though the uncertainty has been very difficult and challenging. Most importantly, thank you for placing your trust in us to do the right thing with your words of encouragement, prayers and contributions.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Good morning/afternoon:

IMA's proposal was formally submitted to Ipernity S.A. at 10:00 AM GMT. I will work on formatting it tonight to post a copy here. Please know it was created based on statistical analysis, existing costs, economic realities, and standard business practices. We believe it is a fair and equitable offer that protects membership interests and offers a defined path to create the new, viable Ipernity with a sustainable, bright long-term future.

The next decision is up to Ipernity S.A.
7 years ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
The formal proposal submitted to Ipernity S.A. can be found at:

To read the proposal, please double-click on the .pdf icon and the document will open. It was too complex to include in this thread due to significant formatting issues.
7 years ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Just to keep everyone informed, IMA is still awaiting acceptance of its proposal Ipernity S.A. As of now, our proposal remains unchanged even though Ipernity S.A. has taken steps to reduce the monthly Amazon Web Services (AWS) cost. It is better to retain our financial forecasts.

At the same time differences of opinion and approach remain between Ipernity S.A. and IMA. Until these differences are resolved, money will not been transferred from Indiegogo to IMA's bank account to protect membership interests.

We hope Ipernity S.A. announces acceptance of the proposal on Monday, April 17th since current realities demand that IMA's proposal remain unchanged and the platform and Ipernity S.A. continues to lose money with no agreement in place and continued uncertainty. IMA cannot pay for the March and April expenses without an agreement since then we would lose our leverage to refund members their donations.

Still, despite the differences, there is reason for hope. Optimization of AWS will lay the foundation for a stronger future, steps that would never have been taken if the platform did not have potential for survival per Christophe Ruelle, and the fact he considers a successful takeover by IMA 99% likely. Stay tuned for a possible announcement on Monday.
7 years ago.
LutzP club
Damit alle hier auf dem gleichen Stand sind: IMA wartet noch immer auf die Annahme der Angebots durch Ipernity S.A. Unser Angebot gilt unverändert obwohl Ipernity S.A. mittlerweile Schritte unternommen hat die monatlichen Hosting Kosten des Amazon Web Service (AWS) zu senken. Es ist sicherer, wenn wir bei unserer Finanzplanung bleiben.

Gleichzeitig gibt es nach wie vor Meinungsverschiedenheiten zwischen S.A. und IMA. Bevor diese Differenzen nicht geklärt sind, werden keine Mittel von Indiegogo auf IMAs Konto überwiesen um die Interessen der Spender / Mitglieder zu schützen.

Wir hoffen, dass Ipernity S.A. unser Angebot bis Montag den 17. April akzeptiert weil auf der einen Seite unser Angebot sich nicht ändern wird, auf der anderen Seite aber S.A. ohne verbindliche Vereinbarung weiter Verluste macht und die gegenwärtige Unsicherheit bleibt. IMA wird nicht für die aufgelaufenen Kosten für März und April zahlen solange es keine verbindliche Vereinbarung gibt, weil IMA sonst die Möglichkeit verliert, den Spendern ihr Geld zurück zu erstatten.

Trotz der gegenwärtigen Differenzen gibt es Anlass zur Hoffnung. Die Optimierung des AWS wird die Grundlage für eine stärkere Zukunft sein, Schritte die niemals unternommen worden wären wenn nach Ansicht von Chrisophe Ruelle die Plattform nicht das Potenzial zum Überleben hätte als auch die Tatsache, dass er von einer Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit der Übernahme durch IMA von 99% ausgeht.

Bleibt dran für eine neue Mitteilung am Montag.
Sinngemäße Übersetzung durch LutzP (und, ja, es werden noch Tippfehler drin sein und vielleicht fehlt auch irgendwo ein Komma)
7 years ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Good evening,

Today, 19 April 2017 IMA received notification that Christophe, the President and CEO of Ipernity S.A. has accepted IMA's proposal. I am hoping a Skype call can be held tomorrow to work out the logistics of the transfer.

As a result, Indiegogo will be permitted to transfer funds to IMA's account sometime early next week following the results of the Skype call.

Ipernity S.A. will make an announcement most likely sometime tomorrow to confirm the agreement.
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.

This discussion has been closed by William Sutherland.