Group: " 100 % MIROIR - Mirror - Spiegel - Espejo - Specchio "

Peinture à l'eau

Blue Reflection (with a fence) (120°)

Truc@ge .

Lake Louise mit Fairmont Hotel


Wrinkled Reflection

Antinori Palace (1466).

Big koi

Wishing frogs

Christmas tree, Sydney Harbor

Lake Reflections.

The 50-Images-Project ( 24/50 ): Die Leichtigkeit…

Souricette fait du canyoning .

Sainte Trinité .

Belle journée !

Le Nikolaï Tchernychevski

Caniçada Dam - Cávado River.

'Painted' with my PC... ©UdoSm

Lockwitzer Str. 24

Yosemite Mirror Lake (#0580)

Yosemite Mirror Lake (#0576)

Beholding Caniçada Dam.

Bridge over Cávado.

Pond on Thermal Park.

Mallard couple has an argument...

Williamson River