Group: " ALL about : Street@rt "

Wall painting.

Workers of Alcácer do Sal.

Laundry scene.

Mural of River Sado and the 1945 draw bridge.

Alcácer do Sal and River Sado in mural.

Work on rice field.

Stork in mural.

Pantónio's painting on the wall of Cerca House.

Cuttlefish jumping off the pan.

Wall painting.

Die Verkehrswende

Muro Azul (Blue Wall).

Painted on wall of former grinding plant.

Horse's head or whale's head?

Electricity box or sardines can?

Electricity box - tooth paste box.

Boavista Railway Station.

Painting on wall.

Hand on wall.

Restless 3

Restless 1

Muro Azul (Blue Wall).