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Mask dancing in Santiago de Cuba

Impression of Havana

Reading with Che

"I'll Have the Fish Plate, Please"

Five headed Nāga snake

Stork on a very small twig


Eisenbahnwäsche ~~~~

Walking along a road in Herat


Little girl posing for a photo shot at Tiger Jumpi…

Lijiang Black Dragon Pool

The Dongba Scripture

Dukezong village beside the Songzanlin Monastery

Balinese ceremony at the Seseh beach

Worshippers praying to Hindu gods

A Delem statue dressed in checked clothes


drunk over the limit

Pastilles et limonade & peppermint

Shark fins should not be offered in Chinese restau…

Fishers at the early morning

The junk called June Hong Chian Lee

Stone Forest (Shilin)

Equestrian statue of Genghis Khan

Monk praying to the Buddha in Botataung Pagoda

Thod Kathin Parade in Mae Sot

Nepalese dance