Group: WOOPHY - Members and ex-members only.

Chapel of Our Lady of Good Success.

Mural on façade of abandoned house.

Ancient pottery and glassware.

Coucher de soleil sur le glacier de Moiry

La Pointe de Moiry

anax junius

Crato Museum.

Tiles panel.

Pillory and Town Hall.

Pillory and Caldeira Castel-Branco Palace.

Church of Mercy (17th century).

Saint Sebastian Chapel.

agrion / bluet

Mother Church of Our Lady of Conception.

The view from Castle's Viewpoint.

One section of the castle's wall.

The walls of Crato Castle.

Crato Castle.

Chameleon, by Sylvain Bongard.

Pig, by Sylvain Bongard.