Group: WOOPHY - Members and ex-members only.

Old Customs' unit for fire fighting.

Painted on fence near the Coach Museum.

Painted on fence near the Coach Museum.

Painted on fence near the Coach Museum.

Commercial street art.

Commercial street art.

Pig, by Bordalo II.

Final touch on mural.


happy sadhu

Warping mural, by Mr. Dheo.

Warping mural.

Warping mural.

Warping mural, almost achieved.

Warping mural.

Warping mural.

L'usure du temps / wear of time

cypripède soulier ou sabot de Vénus / yellow ladie…

la famille merlebleu / The bluebird family

Achieving mural on warping.

Glass container.

Glass container.

Painting on wall.

Warping mural.