Group: ::d!g.mod*w!ld.col*8rootal.po5tp*A!.plag!::

It's Time To Change The Place

panchine della Riviera delle Palme

Wonderful green mountains of Ossetian part of Cauc…

Zion Cathedral of Tbilisi

Bagrati Cathedral

Something about the God

Lünersee im Brandnertal (Rätikon)

Autumnal dream

Les voiliers

8 108


Kutaisi - mystery cathedral

Halloween masks

Halloween Diptych 2023

Ex-catholic church: Kutaisi Holy Annunciation Temp…

hot summer


A splendid Portal

"Remembrances of yesterday....................

Winter symphony

Éclat Floral

"Enjoy pleasant moments with Baudelaire******

painting a vineyard

"Because we need some fresh air******

Automne dans mon village

Century floats by....