Group: un chalenge personnel // eine persönliche Herausforderung // the challenge

Midway To The Goal

Descent via Crushed Rock (see PiP)

Descent via Crushed Rock (2)

Green Eyes

Climbing the Ox Wall (6)

Und was lernen wir daraus ?

Climbing the Ox Wall (4)

Climbing the Ox Wall (3)

Climbing the Ox Wall (2)

During Descent

Lake Laserz

Last Weekend on 2.700 m

Dizzy Height

Erstkontakt mit beiderseitiger Skepsis

Via Ferrata 'Naked Dog' (1)


Mountaineers Dreams

After The Thunderstorm

Just For Fun

Via Ferrata 'Madonna' (Start)

Click by Click Upwards

'Normal' Path (3)


Alt und Neu - (2 x PiP)

The World Above 3,000m

'Normal' Path 2 (see PiP)

'Normal' Path 1 (see PiP)

Perfect Conditions for Sunburn