Group: un chalenge personnel // eine persönliche Herausforderung // the challenge

Ain't No Mountain High Enough

Pleasure for Retirees (2)

Pleasure for Retirees (1)

Where Vultures are Resting

Spiegelung ... (PiP)

Hochstapler :)

Descent from Watzmann

... das Auto hält das aus ...

... mir gegenüber im Zug

Südspitze of Watzmann

The Ridge

Difficulty A/B

What Goes Up Must Come Down

Go on, or Back?

Via Ferrata Grünstein ISIDOR


The Watzmann Summits

Tightrope Walk

March for science, April 22nd

Hard Landing or Soft?

Blind Trust

#32 CWP

Via Ferrata "Pfeilspitzwand"

Mountain Photography

Here And Now!

Looking Back Doesn't Help!

the red chair ... oder ... Schloß Wernigerode