Group: Folk architecture, arquitectura popular, Volksarchitektur

The Butterfly house

Alt und Neu

The Bench of Public Appeals, Sukhothai

Bagh Bhairav Temple in Kirtipur

The Thai-Songdam Village บ้านโซ่ง

Mondop of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara (Kuan-Yin)

Sala of Ten Reincarnations ศาลาทศชาติ

A Thai house at the Khlong side

One more view to the Phra Kaew Pavilion หอพระแก้ว

Phra Kaew Pavilion หอพระแก้ว


The view into the old Thai noble mansion

The Floating Market ตลาดน้ำ in Mueang Boran


The Floating Market ตลาดน้ำ

Sanphet Prasat Palace in Ayutthaya

Sanphet Prasat Palace in Ayutthaya

Drepung Monastery 3 km outside Lhasa

Inside the Seralung Gompa ...


Tashilhunpo Monastery in Shigatse


At the rooftop of the Potala Palace

Old and the new

Songzanlin Monastery

Farmhouse at the Paro riverside

Traditional Bhutanese farm house

Simple farm house along the trekking way


Drukgyel, the starting point of our trek


Tiger's Nest Monastery with the fire destroyed par…

Farm house complex at the hillside