Group: CWP - Contest Without Prize

(2018/07 CWP) "Doors"

franco benf
By A franco benf club
29 Jun 2018 - 47 comments - 866 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Contest Without Prize (CWP), basically it involves adding one or two photos (from 1st to 16th of the month), for one different theme each month, and then everyone to vote (from 17-24th of the month) on which ones they think are the best pictures.

Erhard Bernstein suggests the theme for this month.


I think it is quite obvious that a door must be the dominant object of the picture,

Winner - Heidiho - Open door

To confirm, the contest rule is "1 photo for week, per person, (second photo allowed if you voted last time)".

Thank you all for participating,

The topic of this discussion has been edited by franco benf 4 months ago.

Heidiho club has replied
Herzlichen Dank !
5 years ago.
 franco benf
franco benf club
Thank you so much for your decision on the topic for the next CWP
my best wishes for your holidays, and for many beautiful photos
5 years ago.
 Erhard Bernstein
Erhard Bernstein club has replied
Did I miss something - where can I find Heidi's decision for the next CWP topic?
5 years ago.
Heidiho club has replied
... Hab eine Ipermail an Franco geschickt.

Thema: "lines&curves"
... Linien und Kurven
... selbstverständlich BEIDES in einem Bild. Aber das versteht sich wohl von selbst ...
5 years ago.
 franco benf
franco benf club
Thank you so much Heidiho for your cooperation for the next CWP
5 years ago.

This discussion has been closed by franco benf.