All articles concerning sadness is boredome

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  • 5 polas / 1 histoire

    Mon cher et tendre m'a donné cinq photos en me demandant de lui dire ce qu'elles me racontaient. Voilà le résultat !

  • Hello Everybody on ipernity

    Since i'm here in your playground, i'm asking myself something. You ll think that i'm not fun, but do you know something about coyright ? Don't you know that you don't have the right to put videos or music that you're not the author ? I see in every fblog people posting tracks just to post some music they like. Why don't you post, you're own music ? It can be your own cover of your favorite song. Why don't you post, you own videos ? I don't say, post the last video of Baby eating…

  • Hello there

    So i 'm new at epernity. I hope you will appreciate my work. For my newcoming i have created a new character Zonb. You will be able to follow his adventure here. I'm like you, i don't know who he is and what does he do. I only know that he s scared and waiting for you in the first Chapter of his non-written story.   PS : the french people are known for their badness at languages. i'm french so excuse my poor english :)