All articles concerning renovatio06

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  • picquoteaday :-D

    Hey everyone I'm trying to jump start myself to post more ! So here goes I'm going to try to post a pic a day with a favorite quote of mine...I know there are a bunch of groups with this idea...I don't know if I will do a group...just me expressing what is going on with me at the moment so here goes... take a peek when you can I am posting them to make contact with all of you too!!! Love, Sherry

  • Coocooning

    I'm borrowing a term my landlord at the Bed & Breakfast in Vancouver once used when referring to one of her appartments . I find it appropriate in this situation: We've had precursors of snowfall over the past few weeks and days. Especially yesterday, I could smell the scent of snow in the brisk air coming down from the mountains. I could even see snowcovered mountain peaks through my tele lens. Snowfall started last night, and continued this morning until now at temperatures around 0 Celsiu…