All photos with Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨*

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Livre podoérotique / Podoerotic book - Création Valeriane / Valeriane's production.

Posted on 09 May 2013

Au galétas - Création Valeriane / Valeriane's production.

Posted on 09 May 2013

Mer Berceau de vie Mère tendre Au souffle léger......

Posted on 07 May 2013

A vous de choisir......J'en suis incapable! Question de feeling

Posted on 03 May 2013

Le grand voyage

Posted on 29 Apr 2013

Nobody could see the pain I was feeling For I designed my mask to be laughing.

Posted on 26 Apr 2013

And I will sing as long as there's a song the feelings never gone ...

Posted on 23 Apr 2013

Et la mort m'emportera, seconde d'éternité, Pour naviguer, funambule sur les étoiles....

Posted on 14 Apr 2013

"Collioure 5" de Jacques Rung

Posted on 10 Apr 2013

Orange Sanguine

Posted on 10 Apr 2013

La musique... ces trois fois rien...

Posted on 02 Apr 2013

Songe d'une nuit d'été

Posted on 31 Mar 2013

Joyeuses fêtes pascales à tous

Posted on 30 Mar 2013

And quiet is the thought of you, The file on you complete, Except what we forgot to do, A Thousand Kisses Deep.

Posted on 29 Mar 2013

A mon entrée en fac avec une magnifique angine

Posted on 29 Mar 2013

"La Résistible Ascension d'Arturo Ui " de Brecht

Posted on 28 Mar 2013

le domaine sans nom

Posted on 28 Mar 2013

When restless eyes reveal my troubled soul, And memories flood my weary heart, I mourn for my dreams... for my wasted love

Posted on 24 Mar 2013