Keyword: 2016

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goldene Novembertage

Posted on 30 Nov 2015

Morgentau - Morning dew

Posted on 05 Oct 2016

Die Zeit, die Zeit ....

Posted on 08 May 2016

A Burning Sunset

Posted on 04 Feb 2018

Ein tödlicher Baldachin ... A deadly canopy ... Un dais mortelle

Posted on 09 Oct 2016

Reisemitbringsel aus Berlin - Souvenirs from Berlin

Posted on 18 Jun 2016

Logenplatz - Box seat

Posted on 22 Jan 2016

Barocke Phantasiewelt - Baroque fantasy world

Posted on 23 Oct 2016

... gefallen bei Verdun - ...fallen nearby Verdun - mit PiP

Posted on 28 Feb 2016

Rot -Red

Posted on 18 Sep 2020


Posted on 03 Oct 2016

Ihre Blüte dauert nur einen Tag ....The bloom lasts only one day

Posted on 31 May 2016

Spielplatz für Fürstenkinder - Playground for noble children

Posted on 22 Apr 2016

In der Höhenbachschlucht - In an alpine gorge

Posted on 10 Aug 2016

HFF - Auf dem Weg zum Gipfel

Posted on 08 Jan 2021

HFF Manifold Valley Staffordshire 29th December 2016

Posted on 20 Jan 2023

In concert. Marla Glen ... ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫

Posted on 17 Jan 2016

Magie in Rot

Posted on 04 Sep 2016

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