Keyword: journal

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  • Low angle

    Long time ago I optimistically thought a good photographer can use any camera to take good shots. And in a way that is true, but even a damn good photographer can't take good super macro pictures without a super macro lens. During this year I have planned to focus on using my new mobile phone camera. It provides a pretty good quality. But for someone like me, who has previously used to use full rotating camera display, and remote control display, it really sucks when trying to shoot close t…

  • Patterns in Art

    I have decided to start keeping some sort of a journal on my photography. That is what I discovered after accidentally finding Ted Forbes 's The Art of Photography Youtube channel and his photography assignments: The idea is to record the creative thinking and flow in some way, in order to reflect one's own work. However, I think I like to utilize modern digital format for it. Although, I much like handwritten journals and diaries, they does not allow such…