Keyword: 2015 Juli

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Erntezeit - Harvest Time

Posted on 11 Jul 2015

Elfen-Reich - Realm of the Elves - please enlarge

Posted on 22 Jul 2015

Energiewende - Energy Turnaround - Transition énergétique

Posted on 31 Jul 2015

Installation in Gelb - Installation in Yellow

Posted on 04 Aug 2015

Die Milchbar ist geöffnet! The Milk Bar is Open!

Posted on 21 Jul 2015

Chemisches Chamäleon

Posted on 25 Jul 2015

Only One Drop

Posted on 30 Jul 2015

Hommage an Tilman Riemenschneider

Posted on 27 Jul 2015

Liebliches Taubertal - Charming Tauber River Valley

Posted on 28 Jul 2015

Pinocchio lebt! Pinocchio is still alive!

Posted on 02 Aug 2015

Die Natur kehrt zurück - River Restoration - La renaturalisation fluviale

Posted on 01 Aug 2015

Frankenland - Franconia

Posted on 14 Jul 2015


Posted on 04 Aug 2015

Wahre Mutterliebe - True Mothers's Love - L'amour maternel

Posted on 03 Aug 2015

Spielerisch den Ernst des Lebens lernen - Learning playfully the seriousness of Life

Posted on 03 Aug 2015

Gut getarnt - Well Camouflaged

Posted on 14 Jul 2015