Keyword: Blütenstand & Blüten

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Laelia rubescens var. semialba - 2014-12-30-_DSC6071

Posted on 11 Jan 2015

Pulsatilla vernalis - 2013-05-15-_DSC5275

Posted on 01 Oct 2013

Barkeria whartoniana - 2012-12-09-_DSC3929

Posted on 11 Dec 2012

Barkeria whartoniana - 2012-12-09-_DSC3928

Posted on 11 Dec 2012

Barkeria whartoniana - 2012-12-09-_DSC3926

Posted on 11 Dec 2012

Barkeria whartoniana - 2012-12-09-_DSC3922

Posted on 11 Dec 2012

Androsace chamaejasme - 2012-07-04-_DSC0359

Posted on 06 Jul 2012

Aster alpinus - 2012-07-04-_DSC0356

Posted on 06 Jul 2012

So ein Wetter heute! - 2012-07-03-_DSC0336

Posted on 03 Jul 2012

Acacia dealbata - 2012-01-08-_DSC5898

Posted on 26 Jan 2012

Oncidium-Hybr. 367 'Linda Isler' (?!) - 2012-01-08-_DSC5885

Posted on 26 Jan 2012

Laeliocattleya, Hybr. - 2012-01-08-_DSC5878

Posted on 26 Jan 2012

Laeliocattleya, Hybr. - 2012-01-08-_DSC5849

Posted on 26 Jan 2012

Peniocereus cuixmalensis - 2010-07-12-_DSC1886

Posted on 28 Mar 2011

Peniocereus cuixmalensis - 2010-07-12-_DSC1885

Posted on 28 Mar 2011

Barkeria-Hybride 'Sarina x Rosetta Marsh' - 2011-02-25-_DSC5676

Posted on 01 Mar 2011

Barkeria-Hybride 'Marsh Melody' - 2011-02-25-_DSC5670

Posted on 01 Mar 2011

Barkeria chinensis (?!) - 2011-02-25-_DSC5657

Posted on 27 Feb 2011