Keyword: Canon 1D Mark III

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Grey Heron / Reiger (Ardea cinerea)

Posted on 08 Dec 2016

Robin / Roodborst (Erithacus rubecula)

Posted on 24 May 2016

Barn Swallow / Boerenzwaluw (Hirundo rustica)

Posted on 09 Aug 2015

My Forum's Weekly Challenge

Posted on 28 Jul 2015

Egyptian Goose / Nijlgans (Alopochen aegyptiaca)

Posted on 13 Jun 2015

Barn Swallow / Boerenzwaluw (Hirundo rustica)

Posted on 09 Jun 2015

Chiffchaff / Tjiftjaf (Phylloscopus collybita)

Posted on 06 May 2015

Great Tit / Koolmees (Parus major)

Posted on 01 May 2015

Eurasian Wigeon / Smient (Anas penelope)

Posted on 16 Mar 2015

Great Egret / Grote Zilverreiger (Ardea Alba)

Posted on 11 Mar 2015

Grey Heron / Reiger (Ardea Cinerea)

Posted on 27 Feb 2015

Goldcrest / Goudhaan (Regulus regulus)

Posted on 06 Feb 2015

Goldcrest / Goudhaan (Regulus regulus)

Posted on 06 Feb 2015

Great Tit / Koolmees (Parus major)

Posted on 02 Jan 2015

Lesser black-backed Gull / Kleine Mantelmeeuw (Larus fuscus)

Posted on 02 Jan 2015

Mallard / Wilde Eend (Anas platyrhynchos)

Posted on 01 Jan 2015

Great Tit / Koolmees (Parus major)

Posted on 29 Dec 2014