Keyword: Aurorafalter

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Einer der ersten Frühlingsboten - One of the first spring heralds - PiP

Posted on 08 Apr 2021

Es wird Frühling im Garten - It's springtime in the garden

Posted on 09 Apr 2020

Der Frühling ist nah - Spring is near

Posted on 19 Apr 2024

Schnell mal Nektar tanken ... Quickly suck some nectar ...

Posted on 24 Apr 2024

Weibchlicher Aurorafalter - Female Orange Tip - 2 PiP

Posted on 25 Apr 2022


Posted on 18 Sep 2024

Aurorafalter: Ich schlafe noch ... Orange tip: I am still asleep ...

Posted on 01 May 2023


Posted on 29 Jul 2019

Benannt nach der römischen Göttin der Morgenröte ... Named after the Roman goddess of dawn ...

Posted on 25 Apr 2022


Posted on 03 Jun 2015

spring on bornholm - orange tip on bluebell

Posted on 17 Sep 2013

20100617 5931Mw [D~LIP] Aurorafalter (Anthocharis cardamines), Bad Salzuflen

Posted on 30 Oct 2010

20100617 5932Mw [D~LIP] Aurorafalter, Bad Salzuflen

Posted on 30 Oct 2010

20100617 5933Mw [D~LIP] Aurorafalter, Bad Salzuflen

Posted on 30 Oct 2010

20100617 5934Mw [D~LIP] Aurorafalter, Bad Salzuflen

Posted on 30 Oct 2010

20100617 5935Mw [D~LIP] Aurorafalter, Bad Salzuflen

Posted on 30 Oct 2010

20100617 5936Mw [D~LIP] Aurorafalter, Bad Salzuflen

Posted on 30 Oct 2010

20100617 5937Mw [D~LIP] Aurorafalter, Bad Salzuflen

Posted on 30 Oct 2010