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    "Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter." --Ansel Adams I don't believe in coincidence. That beauty and timing like this is to me a sign of God's love in the world. As only He can do. Whenever I try to do two things at the same time, they both fall short of their full potential. Things line up for a reason, with God there is no coincidence. I mean, I was walking my dog when I made this picture. But I had to stop walking and make the d…

  • So you want to -- get better images of the Moon

    The Moon not only is a stepping stone for humankind's exploration of the universe. The Moon also is a good stepping stone for your astrophotography and often the first distant target people shoot.

  • Summer Lessons

    In “The Four Seasons,” Vay-Hah-Ess wrote: Ernest went with his parents and several playmates to the nearest village, on a warm summer day; and they remained there the entire day. All around them they saw green cornfields and meadows, decorated with thousand fold flowers; also pastures in which young lambs were dancing, and wanton foals were skipping about.—They ate cherries and other summer fruit, and enjoyed themselves right well during the whole day. “Is it not true,” asked his father, on…

  • So you want to -- get ready for FITS

    A standardized image format is something most users take for granted -- JPG, GIF, PNG and even TIFF are household names when it comes to (web)-images & editing. If you use a dSLR, you have gotten used to adding a tool or two, to process the Nikon or Canon RAW formats. With the astronomy cameras, the formats & necessary conversions become a real mess -- especially if you use a one-shot color "OSC" camera.

  • So you want to -- photograph a lunar eclipse

    For this article, I use the eclipse on April 15th 2014 as an example and as a location I have picked San Francisco. The path of the moon & the timing is dependent on your own location and you will have to make adjustments for that. Here are some examples and a bit of background of the various attempts :