Keyword: Carmarthenshire

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Cliff section east of Amroth 2

Posted on 02 Apr 2019

Cliff section east of Amroth 1

Posted on 02 Apr 2019

West of Telpyn Point - fault in Telpyn Point Sandstone group

Posted on 02 Apr 2019

Marros west - cryogenic anticline and solifluction deposits 2

Posted on 02 Apr 2019

Marros west - cryogenic anticline and solifluction deposits 1

Posted on 02 Apr 2019

Marros west - Teague's Wood and drift-filled valley

Posted on 02 Apr 2019

Telpyn-Marros panorama

Posted on 02 Apr 2019

Marros west cliffs

Posted on 02 Apr 2019

Marros Sands and Top Castle hill fort panorama

Posted on 02 Apr 2019

Marros Sands panorama

Posted on 02 Apr 2019

Marros Sands

Posted on 02 Apr 2019

The River Taf Estuary at Laugharne (Plus x 1 PiP)

Posted on 08 Sep 2018

Carmarthen Bay panorama from Sir Johns Hill, Laugharne

Posted on 25 Aug 2018

The Boathouse on the Taf Estuary

Posted on 24 Aug 2018

The River Taf Estuary at Laugharne

Posted on 21 Aug 2018

Crowded beach

Posted on 20 Aug 2018

Wall at Dinefwr Castle

Posted on 11 Jul 2011

Rural Wales

Posted on 11 Jul 2011