Keyword: flowers

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  • My First Full Month at Ipernity

    My first full month at Ipernity has been a rewarding one. The people—welcoming longtime members of Ipernity and contacts who migrated from Flickr—have been wonderful. They have made it a special community. The Ipernity team has been highly responsive during the extraordinary period of transition that has been underway, always helpful and informative. The photos give Ipernity a distinctive feel. From magical abstracts to colorful butterflies, from delicate floral detail to soaring mountains,…

  • A Journey through Spring

    One moment in early March, the ground was covered by snow. Despite lengthening days, the late-starting winter of 2015-16 struggled to hang on. But seemingly the next moment, all the snow was gone. Where snow and ice had once hugged the earth, the landscape blushed in the growing colors of spring. Each passing day, the mild breezes of a rising spring kissed new life into the once-barren landscape. Soon, the ground was covered in an extraordinary explosion of daffodils. Everywhere one looke…

  • A Season of Renewal and Resilience

    The long winter [seemingly endless autumn in much of Europe] of 2013-14 has yielded to spring. As if to shatter any lingering doubts about the seasonal regime change that has now taken place, the booming cannon of a thunderstorm reverberated across the now colorful landscape earlier today. Spring comes bearing two powerful messages. Through its remarkable transition, sometimes in the face of fierce Arctic counterattacks from retreating winter, it speaks eloquently of renewal and resilience.…

  • Joy and Beauty for All Seasons

    The Monarchs and hummingbirds have now departed for warmer climes leaving a kind of sad emptiness in their wake. Despite beauty worthy of a seat in First Class on any of the world’s leading airlines, these elegant insects and remarkable birds must instead undertake their lengthy and perilous journey all on their own. Along the way, they will battle storms, predators, fatigue, and many other challenges. Nevertheless, through heroic persistence and iron-clad determination that would make any triat…

  • Shadow Light and Lines

    Shadows, light & lines captures the eye from this weathered wall. Believe it or not, this photo was made with the iPad Mini camera. Something that I always love to see is elements that create strong composition in the square format. The morning sunlight through the trees casts a shadow onto the wall of this vintage garage in my neighborhood. The vertical lines provided by the plants create an added touch of the grid pattern needed to complete this moment in time. I chose black and white bec…

  • Why

    This is my endeavour to log the Wildflowers ((and blossoms) of my home on The Isle of Luing, Argyll. I have limited knowledge of the subject of flora and fauna, neither was i an enthusiast. However compiling this record is becoming a compulsive learning curve. So why do it, I Just love taking photo's of flowers, or anything else for that matter. A period of immobility has made me stay in one place for a period of time, so I have tried to get organised. The information that goes with each pho…