Keyword: image

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  • So you want to -- get better images of the Moon

    The Moon not only is a stepping stone for humankind's exploration of the universe. The Moon also is a good stepping stone for your astrophotography and often the first distant target people shoot.

  • So you want to -- polar align your telescope

    Observing stars becomes easier if you don't have to constantly make adjustments. This is even more important, if you want to make long-exposure photos of the sky. The solution is simple & elegant -- the Earth rotates around it's axis and if you counteract that rotation, you keep looking at the same position in the sky. There are different names for solutions to do that, most notably an "equatorial mount". Barndoor- and other star-tracking accessories all use the same principle and require the same preparation steps -- THE POLAR ALIGNMENT

  • Image de qualité: Cigogne dans leur nid.

  • How to Insert an Image Into Your Notes

    San Francisco Zoo: Prairie Dog, and Janet Has Officially LOST IT!!
    ipernity has a unique and wonderful feature that Flickr doesn't have, which is the ability to put a picture into a note! This can be really useful to show your viewers related images without making them go to another page. Here's how to do it! :) 1) Go to the page with the picture you'd like to put a picture note on. 2) Open another tab, go to your stream on ipernity, and then to the picture you'd like to add as a note. 3) On the right side of the page, there is little bar which i…

  • Adding pop-up images to notes on your ipernity photos

    The other day while browsing photos on ipernity I noticed a photo that had notes which when I hovered over them with the mouse an image would pop up, like on this one . So I decided to try a few things and figured out how to do it. Here is the recipe. On the image you would like to pop-up and add a link to go to more options and select View all sizes . Now choose the size of the image you want to pop up, 800 is a good starting place. Below the image you will see a link Post this p…

  • For all the Dads out there

    There are all these commercials, pictures, stories, and poems that show how hard a Mom's job is, and how valuable Mom is to the family. I googled "what would mom's salary really be" and got a link to show what Mom would earn if "Mom" was a job. I looked up "what would dad's salary really be" and the first three links are about paying child support and dead-beat dads. You've probably seen posts about how mom is a doctor, a teacher, a chauffeur and a cook. So all of that may be true, but…