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You Are the Apple of My Eye—We Should Make a Good Pair

Posted on 15 Mar 2020

Girl with Toys in Snow—Christmas Trade Card for Edward Ridley & Sons, 1880

Posted on 25 Dec 2019

Spangler and Rich, Dry Goods and Groceries, Marietta, Pa.

Posted on 15 Oct 2018

Woolen Suitings, Dress Fabrics, Housekeeping Goods! Spangler and Rich, Marietta, Pa.

Posted on 15 Oct 2018


Posted on 06 Aug 2018

Fancy Cow and Calf

Posted on 22 Feb 2018

Fancy Cow and Calf (Cropped)

Posted on 22 Feb 2018

Aim Straight

Posted on 02 Feb 2018

Holcomb and Caskey, Wholesale Lumber, New York, N.Y.

Posted on 13 Nov 2017

May Love Light Your Halloween Lantern!

Posted on 16 Oct 2017

Man's Portrait in Elaborate Border

Posted on 24 Sep 2017

Woman Standing in an Elaborate Border

Posted on 24 Sep 2017

Bacon's Cough Drops Label, Harrisburg, Pa.

Posted on 01 Sep 2017

Reward of Merit Presented to Oliver K. Ott

Posted on 03 Jun 2017

Thanksgiving Greeting—Turkey in a Pumpkin

Posted on 21 Nov 2016

Thanksgiving Greetings from a Couple of Turkeys

Posted on 21 Nov 2016

Thanksgiving Greetings from Uncle Sam

Posted on 21 Nov 2016

Erster Grosser Ball des Harrisburg Mænnerchor, April 10, 1882

Posted on 03 Jun 2016