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  • Picture of Hope Day 2: Waiting

    Waiting for the Train
    Day 2. I will share a blog post here every day for one week, and I will do this on Monday, 8 July, 2019 through Saturday, 13 July, 2019. I invite you to come back and follow this blog for some uplifting pictures, inspiration, and hope.

  • 4 Wifes

    ‘’The four wives’’ There was a man with four wives. He loved his fourth wife the most and took a great care of her and gave her the best. He also loved his third wife and always wanted to show her off to his friends. However, he was always had a fear that she might runaway with some other man. He loved his second wife too. Whenever he faced some problems, he always turned to his second wife and she would always help him out. He did not love his first wife though she loved him deeply, was ver…

  • Girlsfriends - Copines

    Taken the 12th of august 2008 in the old trainstation of Chauvigny (France)

  • A Perspective Worth Giving A Read

    OKay despite where you stand politically this is certainly worth a read.  For me honestly I'm probably leaning more toward Obama...BUT this perspective certainly gives me pause, because it's so true...if the tables were turned and pundits and the press were spewing this shit about him...the whole world would be in an uproar...but because it is Hillary...a's all in good fun...just a joke...just a joke???? really???  I know this is long but just have a glance or two...thanks!  …