Keyword: oiseau

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Rollier d'Europe

Posted on 05 Jun 2019

La Grive Musicienne ...

Posted on 30 Oct 2016

Oh ! Guydel !!!

Posted on 28 Jan 2024

La (bonne) surprise du jour ...

Posted on 12 Feb 2021

Perros Guirec

Posted on 02 Oct 2019

Caught a fish (explored)

Posted on 04 Jun 2022

Le Rouge-Gorge ...

Posted on 13 Nov 2020

P1260295- Mérion superbe mâle (Malarus cyaneus) - Rando Coogee:Bondi. 26 février 2020

Posted on 12 Jul 2020

P1430342- Pic épeiche mâle - Jardin. 02 avril 2022

Posted on 20 Apr 2022

faucon crécerelle femelle

Posted on 02 Feb 2023

A very hidden nest !

Posted on 17 Sep 2024

Mrs. Whiskers

Posted on 18 Jun 2021

Red-winged Blackbird

Posted on 22 May 2020

Reichenow's weaver bird

Posted on 18 Sep 2020

Grue demoiselle dans le vent, Parc des Oiseaux, Villars-les-Dombes (Ain, France)

Posted on 01 Mar 2020

Icy beak, icy feet

Posted on 05 Feb 2014

FREJUS: Atterisage d'un jeune goéland (Larus argentatus).

Posted on 09 Nov 2013

_international flight

Posted on 05 May 2020

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