Keyword: art

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  • Fernando Grade (a multi-talented artist) - (um artista multi-talentoso)

    Perverse Collages / Paper Sculptures (painting series)
    Fernando Grade , Portuguese citizen, writer and poet, plastic artist, critic of art. He uses two heteronyms to divulge his literary work: Abel Sabaoth (born in Porto, 1936, teacher of Latin) and Aal Aarão (born in Lisboa, 1950, economist). Together with other poets of his generation he established the "Portuguese Disintegration Movement" which manifesto was published in 1965. Probably he is its most productive and legitimate representative. He still founded and co-ordinates the oldest poetry n…

  • My mother's sculptures

    By Helen Yamey
    Some long lost photographs of my mother's artworks found at last

  • The Blue of the Colour (painting) - O Azul da Cor (pintura)

    The Blue of the Colour (painting)
    "Blue Landscape", by Manuela Aço (represented at the Art Gallery / Espaço AmArte), oil painting From the blue of the colour sprouts the ample landscape smile where the houses whiteness and the trees irony claim the contemplation's joy. /// Do azul da cor brota o sorriso da paisagem ampla onde a brancura das casas e a ironia das árvores reclamam a alegria da contemplação. by Armando Taborda, 2007…

  • PEN F rangefinder feeling and downsizing

    I chose the form factor of the Olympus Pen F body due to my years of owning and using my father's rangefinder Leica M3 and later my own M6. After 10 digital years with the m43 camera system, I realize how familiar a system becomes. My Pen F is like walking around with different films in older times. I no longer shoot raw, for me the Olympus jpeg output is perfect - when I take time and slow down. Pen F offers all the latest imaging technology, you better read elsewhere. Here I introduce my subj…

  • Lisboa, Av. da Liberdade (painting) - (pintura)

    Lisboa, Av. da Liberdade (painting)
    "Lisboa, Av. da Liberdade", by Carlos Alexandre (represented at the Art Gallery / Espaço AmArte), oil on canvas The drawing comes up easily. Very urban! And also from waters, fogs, travels, musics, dreams, events passing by the city. What is fascinating in the Carlos Alexandre painting is the movement, the indefinite shape's outline looking for its own perspective and place in the suddenly captured image. It is not easy to paint like that, underneath a sky of blue rectangles, running over b…

  • The 5 Best Quotes On Art I've Ever Read

    In any profession it's common to learn from those who've gone before us, through their words or experiences. As an artistic photographer, here are the five best quotes on art I've ever read in random order, followed by how they speak to me. “I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people” ~ Vincent van Gogh If you have come to appreciate my photography, then you know that I try to incorporate humanity in some form or way. Most of my life and childhood I would st…

  • Every great movement has visionaries

    I saw this statement on an art website and it got me to thinking .... "Every great art movement is the story of small groups of visionaries working together to change the system. In 1867, Claude Monet saw that the fine art business was tilted against artists who were doing original, innovative work. He got together with then-unknown artists like Degas, Manet, and others to put on their own show, outside the French Academy, and it was a huge success, birthing Impressionism. This story…

  • Art Is Not A Luxury .....

    …. but a necessity. Because society needs images …. through works of Art. …. That are examples of Goodness and Hope. …. That share the Love of God in the World. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Photography is a major force in explaining man to man -- Edward Steichen ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For this reason, I believe in the universa…

  • Antonieta Roque Gameiro (sculptor) - (escultora)

    Lying Beneath the Sun (sculpture)
    Antonieta Roque Gameiro, specialized sculptor of the woman body knows the feminine sensibility through her mouldering hands and settles their individual and social attitudes before the existence through the terra-cotta burning up or the everlasting hardness of bronze. Concretely we are seriously settled down on the women's kingdom, very often girls, alone, plunged into the intimacy of their nature and beauty, smiling, meditating or waiting for a sudden and surprising love. The poses,…

  • art public Montréal (CA) / Public Art in Montreal (CA)

    'La Mère Créatrice/The Mother Creator' - EL MAC for the City of Montreal from ELMAC on Vimeo . This is my most recent mural for the great city of Montreal. It is a symbolist homage to feminine beauty and creative force, as represented by a figure that can be seen as a sort of fertility goddess wielding a glowing paintbrush, emanating light amongst verdant, leafy growth. As with most of my work this mural was a devotional labor of love and neurotic perfectionism. While procreativity is g…

  • Manuela Horta (painter & sculptor) - (pintora & escultora)

    "Escape's Point", Painting Exhibition by Manuela Horta, 2006, catalogue (1)
    At her own private space, the ARThaus-Atelier , we are given by Manuela Horta with intermittent but diversified creative paintings, mixed techniques and installations, the last two focused on the sculptor she claims to be the first condition of her alter ego. We win the possibility to identify one personalized artist from modern and minimalist expression where elements of geometric context, very often abstract, symbolize her souls' status, emblematic situations and others from more or less ir…

  • Patterns in Art

    I have decided to start keeping some sort of a journal on my photography. That is what I discovered after accidentally finding Ted Forbes 's The Art of Photography Youtube channel and his photography assignments: The idea is to record the creative thinking and flow in some way, in order to reflect one's own work. However, I think I like to utilize modern digital format for it. Although, I much like handwritten journals and diaries, they does not allow such…

  • Ron Mueck

  • Carlos Alexandre (painter) - (pintor)

    New York, Manhattan (painting)
    The very urban creator' spirit of Carlos Alexandre roams through Lisbon, Paris, Hamburg, Chicago, New York and other great cities. Soon after he internalizes the collected images in his photographic unconscious and transforms them into recent memories. Or old, I say, once the vibration of colours and movement is untimely, sometimes more definite and understandable than others but always the same acute and poetic look catching the intense instant which escapes through the ci…

  • Personal Reflections on China

    As I had noted in my previous blog entry , I traveled to China earlier this month. I spent a little more than two weeks there. The trip was both remarkable and enriching. Beijing provides a kind of sketch that illustrates the extraordinary progress China has made in its economic development in recent decades. The expansive city is filled with testaments to that progress. Sprawling commercial districts can be found around its historic and political centers. The city's subway lines have been g…

  • Ipernity: Photo Hosting or More?

    At one of the Ipernity groups, a somewhat lively debate has developed. How it will evolve remains to be seen. On one side of the discussion is the notion that people’s commenting on others’ photos is excessive and essentially not very constructive. There is also the complaint that some of the photos receiving comments are “far-from-perfect.” Of course, if perfection is truly the standard required for one to express appreciation for another’s works, there is probably no danger that people wi…

  • Amazing piece of ART

    Thanks to Anthony and to the flu, I passed my morning searching for Gabriel/Genesis videos...

  • Carlos Alexandre (Painting Exhibition) - (Exposição de Pintura)

    Carlos Alexandre & Espaço AmArte Painting Exhibition
    Maria da Nazaré invites you to watch this short painting display from a total of Carlos Alexandre 27 canvases exhibited at the Winter Garden, Hospital da Luz, Lisboa, from January 23rd to February 13th, 2009. She also thinks as myself that we are before the masterpieces of an original and modern great Portuguese Master . Enjoy them and your comments will be welcome right down here. Maria da Nazaré convida-o a obs…

  • Zurück vom IKEA-Markt (Kinderzimmerabteilung)

    Ungeplante Spontankäufe beim Gang durch den Parcours der IKEA-Hallen (Galerie Kamprad) Manfred Pernice Jessica Stockholder Jan de Cock Im Schlussverkauf bei Conran Galleries mitgenommen Reinhard Mucha Imi Knoebel

  • Portraits de femmes

    ===== Interprète : Paul Tortelier [1914-1990] Compositeur : Jean-Sebastien Bach [1685-1750] ===== Dans le désordre :  Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael - Raffaello, Titian - Tiziano Vecellio , Sandro Botticelli , Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio, Albrecht Dürer, Lucas Cranach the Elder, Antonello da Messina, Pietro Perugino, Hans Memling, El Greco, Hans Holbein, Fyodor Stepanovich Rokotov , Peter Paul Rubens, Gobert, Caspar Netscher, Pierre Mignard, Jean-Marc Nattier, Élisabeth-L…

  • Visite d'Opéra

    S T U T T G A R T E R · B A L L E T T LA SYLPHIDE Romantisches Ballett in zwei Akten

  • Cop Talk

    Damit die Polizei eines Landes effektiv ist, muss sich in deren Belegschaft die Demografie der Gesellschaft widerspiegeln. Vielleicht ist es nicht zu vermeiden, dass die Mitglieder von Künstlergemeinden bei der Polizei unterrepräsentiert sind. Als Reaktion hat der Künstler Chris Evans Stellvertreter von nationalen Polizeibehörden eingeladen, an europäischen Kunsthochschulen Einführungskurse zu halten, in denen sie Karrieremöglichkeiten aufzeigen und die Studenten ermutigen, der Truppe beizutrete…

  • Eva Penalva (painter) - (pintora)

    The Colour of Silence (painting)
    Eva Penalva, born in Lisboa, artist not in exclusivity. Normally, an artist born in Portugal to survive under dignified conditions either belongs to a rich family or exercises any remunerated profession. In this case the artist worked at the Portuguese Broadcasting. I refer the professional activity due to a strong influence it impressed on her artistic expression.  The music, the nature essentially liquid of life, the dream while rhythm of ideas as dancing bodies, the colours of soft ton…

  • Die Simulation einer Kunstmesse

    Die art cologne als flashmob: "Zur großen Überraschung des Bewachungspersonals tauchte heute eine Menschenmasse vor der Messe auf und drängte in den Eingang. Noch ist unklar, auf welche verborgene Weise - per Handy oder per Internet - sich die Leute zu diesem Auftritt verabredet hatten, aber fest steht, dass es sich um einen der größten Flashmobs Deutschlands handelt. Denn zu sehen gibt es auf der Kölner Messe nichts; die Art Cologne ist bekanntlich tot, das war und ist in allen Zeitungen zu…

  • Das Kunstereignis des Jahres

    Nicht auf dem Kölner Kunstmarkt. Das erste Mal. Seit 1985.

  • Die SPIEGEL Bestsellerliste

    Platz 1: Youtube-Vorwegnehmer Michel Auder Platz 2: Kunst mit Ikea-Möbeln von Gabriel Kuri Platz 3: Slapstick und Kontrolle von Ahmet Ögüt Platz 4: Apokalypse Now von Cyprien Gaillard Platz 5: Hoffen und Scheitern mit Paulina Olowska Platz 6: Wie stehen die Aktien? fragt Maria Eichhorn Platz 7: Oh, wie schön ist Sansibar! - von Superflex Platz 8: Mauer-Pop von Wilhelm Sasnal

  • José Neto (painter & sculptor) - (pintor e escultor) - Part I

    City Planet (sculpture & painting)
    Life is made of living...Dream is made of dreaming. The painting and sculpture of José Neto is made of life and dream. Frequent endogenous dreams from his metaphysical mind, expressed by colours, forms and techniques that life has generously taught him. Neither all his mysteries will be unveiled, nor his original style easily referenced but, for sure, the painting and sculpture of José Neto fascinates us and challenges our capacity to dream together with him. A vida faz-s…


    "Die erste Installation der Serie [1-2-3] präsentiert das nachgebaute „Gropiuszimmer“ von 1923 des Weimarer Bauhaus. In der Vitrinensituation des [A B C] wird dieser intime Denkraum zum öffentlichen Showroom. Parallel spazieren wir mit Gropius in einer Videoprojektion durch die heutige Gropiusstadt in Berlin. Die Künstlerin [N. N.] verweist in ihrer Arbeit auf die Zeitlichkeit gebauter Ideen und materialisierter Visionen, ihre Irreversibilität, sowie die Divergenz zwischen Vorstellung und Wir…

  • Pedro Charters d'Azevedo (painter) - (pintor)

    The Mind Birth (painting)
    Pedro Charters d'Azevedo was born in Lisbon, in 1946. He is an Artist with major A despite his late career (he started drawing and painting regularly when he was around half a century of life), but taken seriously all along intense working journeys (he used to say that " he leaves the inspiration out of his studio's door"). So to speak we are in the presence of a professional artist exigent with himself, who investigates and experiments techniques, cultivates, develops and re…

  • Teresa Barbieri, painter (d. 2000) - pintora (f. 2000)

    Moorish Town (painting)
         The opera singer and painter Teresa Barbieri was alive not for a long time (d. 2000), however her posthumous work is long-lasting and surprising. She uses light tones and much sepia that denote a strong feminine sensitivity spilled on frequent landscapes and urban clusters (her dominant themes), arranged on the canvas with the rigour, the imagination, and the simplicity of opera' scenarios. Painter of impressionist roots she allows that an unfinished luminosity come up from her pa…

  • Die Domain "" ist bereits registriert.

    Domaindaten Domain : Letzte Aktualisierung : 30.11.2007 Damn it! Man darf einfach nicht zu lange warten, um seine Pointen zu setzen. Die Realsatire ist immer schneller. Registriert von wem? Von Kölnern. Logisch.

  • Motherhood (painting) - Maternidade (pintura)

    Motherhood (painting)
      Isaura Oliveira uses hot colours together with half-tones to energize her works frequently expressed by a modern naturalism, appealing, seductive, a few times with traces of abstract paint.     "Motherhood", by Isaura Oliveira (represented at Art Gallery / Espaço AmArte), oil on canvas Isaura Oliveira usa cores fortes conjugadas com meios tons para dinamizar os seus trabalhos frequentemente expressos num naturalismo moderno, envolvente, sedutor, por vezes com laivos abstractos.…

  • Blue Composition II (painting) - Composição Azul II (pintura)

    Blue Composition II (painting)
      A bílio Marcos is the painter of big urban structures, industrial, metaphysical and poetics, the last ones exclusively abstracts, without nothing that justifies them nor to be compared with others to become comprehensible. Simply they are beautiful cries into the life's mystery!        "Blue Composition II", by Abílio Marcos (represented at the Art Gallery / Espaço AmArte), acrylic paint on canvas Abilio Marcos é o pintor das grandes estruturas urbanas, industriais, metafís…

  • Espaço AmArte - Art Gallery

    O Espaço AmArte é maravilhosamente pequeno e dirigido com todas as competências necessárias: conhecimento, bom-gosto, criatividade e simpatia. Não tenho qualquer pejo em afirmar que aqui se junta o amor à arte de forma espontânea e acolhedora, gerando-se o ambiente natural para que cada visitante se transforme num amigo, e cada amigo num potencial cliente. Deixem-se fascinar por uma visita ao Espaço AmArte . Tenho a certeza de que darão o tempo por bem empregue e ficarão com vontade de lá vol…