Zach Liang's photos

DSC 0062

DSC 0027

DSC 0024

DSC 9967

DSC 9925

DSC 9904

DSC 0116

DSC 0087

IMG 0004

metalic mesh antenna close up

metalic mesh window as antenna !

28 Sep 2013 364
Woth very strong signals and qrm . In Litohoron



16 Sep 2013 305
passive MW antenna loop with Degen 1102 inside it and the Malaysian flag over it ! (shot on 15/9 the day of the Malaysian federartion establishment )

MFJ multi reader

tile for test for MW

tecsun PL 380 !!

16 Apr 2013 1 494
my best DSP radio

Degen de17

16 Apr 2013 1 719
review on undernath , a 4:1 printout of BCDX

magnetic/faraday loop

16 Apr 2013 1 451
tested 3 months after receiving it !!! 7-25 MH z tests with de1102 and AKG909 earphones

37 items in total

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