Xata's photos

Japanese print

Pachypodium obesum

BW for Sunday Challenge

Hotel de Caumont, Les Grands Maîtres du Japon, HFF

03 Mar 2020 34 19 310
Fenced in cristal... Pls view on black : press "z"

Aix, Hotel de Caumont, HFF

Aubagne, Rain coming

05 Mar 2020 25 27 268
Just before confinement... I was very lucky to be back home in time...

Abbaye du Thoronet

Abbaye du Thoronet

Abbaye du Thoronet

Abbaye du Thoronet

Estrelinha depois do banho

Abbaye du Thoronet

Abbaye du Thoronet

Abbaye du Thoronet

Complementary colours for Sunday Challenge

09 Jul 2020 26 34 344
BLUE AND ORANGE.... BULL, BY FRANÇOIS MELIN www.artmajeur.com/fr/croisee2005/artworks/galleries/1010614/francois-melin-sculpteur-animalier

Xanthium strumarium, Bardana-menor, Asterales

Jasmim oficinalis, HFF

7868 photos in total