Azinheira, Quercus ilex, Penedos, twilight..


Tudo que seja relativo a Penedos, freguesia de S. Miguel do Pinheiro, concelho de Mértola, e Baixo Alentejo

Roncão, Spring meadow

02 Apr 2024 22 17 99
Some people may not believe it, but in my region it is like this… Tomorrow I will show another meadow with different flowers.


03 Apr 2024 20 13 101
Many years ago when ipernity belonged to the French, some people accused me of faking my meadow photos. So I did videos to prove it was true. You can see them clicking on the links below, they are pleasant too. Alentejo florido em Abril - 1 Alentejo florido em Abril - 2 Alentejo florido em Março

Semblana, Spring meadow !

02 Apr 2024 16 4 87
Yellow flowers: Glebionis segetum,Corn marigold

Semblana, Spring meadow !

03 Apr 2024 34 23 119
Yellow flowers: Glebionis segetum,Corn marigold The day before: Glebionis segetum, Corn marigold

Roncão, Spring meadow !

02 Apr 2024 42 28 153
White flowers: chamaemelum fuscatum Purple flowers: Echium plantagineum

Moinho do Alferes

Our land for shepherding, Penedos

A pavement artist in Penedos ?

Ribeira do Vascão, the flooded ford

Ribeira do Vascão, the flooded ford

01 Apr 2024 15 14 73
Just walk on the blocks to cross…

Penedos, Water point and Pomegranate

05 May 2024 31 18 120

Penedos, leaving the village upwards

Penedos, Spring meadow

19 Apr 2024 30 12 147
The third of the series !

Penedos, fenced window, HFF

Penedos, Meadow in May

609 items in total