MEKNÈS, Dante was there too!


13 Sep 2019

112 visits

Dante in Agave victoriae reginae L1001086

26 Jun 2020

14 favorites


244 visits

Dante torch enlightened

Some of you know Dante, my old friend (sheep vertebra in his previous life). Now to fragile to go around with me but still ok to be a model as long as he stays home ! For more of him... just click on his album : I wanted to go out at night and play with a torch on a tree and starry sky in long exposure mode... but the wind was too strong that I did not want to risk camera on a long exposure with all dust blown. So fortunately I had already taken this one with Dante, just in case I could not do what I had planned for the challenge!

13 Oct 2020

15 favorites


228 visits

Creative food photography

As I told on the discussions I am no cook... This was my first idea, but I wanted pink pasta and would have to drive 140km to buy it as there is no place to purchase it closer. Therefore I gave a try with dog food, but I was not satisfied, so I went back to my first idea using Dante (the vertebra), chili tagliatelli and tomato tortellini... For those who don't know Dante, he is a sheep vertebra I found in nature some years ago and travelled with me in many places, also was an actor in some photographs. Now he is too fragile and retired in my library from where he can check on me!!!!! Maybe he is a controlling freak, but nevertheless he was happy to be part of this week's challenge.

12 Feb 2018

37 visits

Podence, HFF with Dante, memories...

13 items in total