Літнє надвечір'я / Summer evening

Magie solaire

Літнє надвечір'я / Summer evening

Beyond the village / За селом

Parting with setting sun / Прощання з сонцем, що с…

26 Sep 2012 10 6 310
"When the sun sits down so want again believe in fairy tale ... "

Магія весни... | |Magic of spring

04 Apr 2010 14 15 596
Morning fog. The first days of April, about 8 AM. The last remnants of snow not so long ago disappeared (in the forest shadow snow lays long time), the sun has warmed the wet forest, and arise this marvelous light!

Celestial Eye | Небесне око

Вогняна симфонія світанку | |Fiery Symphony of the…

24 Nov 2010 4 313
Same photos taken earlier, nevertheless deserving to share, to my mind.

The weekend is over, time to go home

Birch trees at spring evening

Сонячна кульбабка / Sunny dandelion

Самотній човник і надвечір'я / Lonely boat & sunse…

Birth of a new day

14 May 2012 11 10 355
...And having do a big sip of the cool aureate air, I sensed: everything that was before is inessential. The shadows of futile bustle hurriedly disappeared in dark corners when the dawn of a new day filled the opened soul. Everything is just beginning and everything is possible ... (see in full screen for better impression)

Too cold for a picnic ;)

Colors of summer

Blooming apple-tree in sunset light

Furious dawn

13 Oct 2022 4 3 103
The incredible sky I saw one morning. It was all like that in reality, no special processing was applied to the photo - just conversion from raw to jpeg: