Wolfgang's photos

Watch vendor in his small shop

22 Nov 2007 3 2 784
It wasn't the smallest shop I've seen in Herat, a smaller one selling Audiotapes will be posted.

The Friday Mosque in Herat

22 Nov 2007 1 828
The traffic sign on the right hand side shows that it isn't allowed to drive straightforward (into the mosque)!?

Some animals they should not sell for cooking!!!

19 Apr 2003 2 1032
Seen on a Laotian market in Pakse. There is no need to hunt and kill animals like this squirrels because of lack of other food!

View from the hill to Baan Nongsa in Champasak, La…

18 Apr 2003 1 758
In this photo, looking east from the sanctuary partway up the mountain, we see the temple's causeway, which runs east-southeast and terminates in two grand barays (excavated reservoirs). The "middle baray," seen end-on in this photo, measures 200x600 meters. Its great length recedes much further into the distance than one can accurately judge here, being approximately equal to the distance from its near bank to the base of the mountain. The north baray (photo left) is wider, and lies due east of the sanctuary. The barays were probably built by Suryavarman II (1113-1150). One asks why the axis of the temple is south of due east, and why the two barays are situated as they are. The answer lies in astronomy: the barays were designed to reflect the image of the sun, from the middle baray at the vernal equinox, and from the north baray at the summer solistice.

Wat Phu in Champasak, Laos

18 Apr 2003 1 1 1447
From there the sacred stream flowed down the artificially terraced mountain slope into two sacred reservoirs or barays and finally into the Mekong River, whose life-giving waters were believed to sustain the whole of the ancient Khmer Empire. Standing structures within the temple complex include quadrangles, a Nandin Hall, small pavilions, brick towers, stairways and the main shrine, which was dedicated to Shiva. This Wat is the most important attraction of South Laos, although it is not Laotian in origin. Wat Phou was built by the Khmer. Despite of being smaller, Wat Phou can be compared to Angkor. Not only has it been built in the same style; it also exudes the same atmosphere of an ancient city lost in the jungles for uncounted centuries. While the structures themselves are overpowering, it's the jungle overgrowth that creates a particular charm, at Angkor as well as Wat Phou. The Wat has stood unused for centuries because it has been built as a Hindu, not a Buddhist temple. Wat Phou is older than Angkor. It was founded in the first decades of the 9th century by Jayavarman II, the first king of an independent Khmer nation. Before Jayavarman II, the Khmer were ruled by the Javanese (Indonesians). For some time Wat Phou served Jayavarman II as Khmer capital. Though Jayavarman II soon moved his government to the Angkor plain, Wat Phou remained an important pilgrim's destination for the entire Angkor era (about 600 years).

The Mekong divides Laos and Cambodia

19 Apr 2003 3 1 1038
An interesting place to stay on the Khon Falls, This capture done short after the falls.

Shwe Nandaw Kyaung Temple in Mandalay, Burma

13 Jun 2007 920
These temple grounds outside the northwestern corner of the ancient royal palaces are presently the most important attraction in the town of Mandalay. Their prominent structure is a building, which in 1880 has been moved from the ancient royal palace area, after King Mindon had died inside it, which was taken as a bad omen. In 1880 the building was turned into a monastery, which hasn't changed until today. It is the only structure remaining from the ancient royal palace, as it has not been a target of the bombardments of the allies in World War II. It consists mostly of teak wood, is richly ornamented with carvings and hints at the grandeur of the ancient royal palace.

Fishing boats in sunset on the Irrawaddy, Burma

14 Jun 2007 1034
The Irrawaddy River bisects the country from north to south and empties through a nine-armed delta into the Indian Ocean. In colonial times, before railways and automobiles, the river was known as the "Road to Mandalay". Although navigable by large vessels to Myitkyina for a distance over 1600 km from the ocean, the river is also full of sandbanks and islands, making such navigation difficult. For many years, the only bridge built to cross the Ayeyarwady River was the Inwa Bridge.

By the riverside of the Irrawaddy river, Burma

14 Jun 2007 827
The names Irrawaddy and Ayeyarwady are believed to have derived either from the Sanskrit name Iravati, a sacred river and minor goddess in Indian mythology, or from her son Airavata, the elephant mount of Indra. The Irrawaddy gives its name to a dolphin, the Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris), which is found in the river. Though sometimes called the Irrawaddy River Dolphin, it is not a true river dolphin, since it is also found at sea.

At the Shwedagon Pagoda, Rangoon, Burma

Portrait of a Legong dancing girl

04 Aug 2014 4 1101
The Balinese Legong dancing girl not only move their body but she's "dancing" with her eyes too.

People in their traditional dress on Bali

13 Nov 2007 1 1185
Three young worshippers sitting in front of a temple for celebrating on the Odalan festival. Its a pleasure to join the local people doing their festivals. This photo was captured during my visit on Bali in 2001 with a CANON A-1 camera and a KODAK Ektachrome 50 ASA slidefilm. Scanned with a NIKON CoolScan V ED.

Burmesian girls weaving

08 Feb 1981 723
mostly girls and women use a make up called "Thanaka" to protect their cheeks from strong sunlight

The junk called June Hong Chian Lee

12 Nov 2007 6 1325
The junk, original build 1962 in Malaysia is now used for scuba diving courses in the Andaman sea particularly the trip to the Similan islands. The boat is mainly contracted with Takien wood, a kind of hard teak wood. The mast in the middle was cut out in one piece of a 300 years old tree.

A small lake outside Loei, northern Thailand

25 Nov 2012 23 4 2130
when I went the highway no. 2138 from Erawan Cave back to Loei City I passed this idyllic lake on a small side road (photo was shot without pol filter, it shows the real atmosphere in the late afternoon)

Small Lao girls like to be photographed

19 Apr 2003 2 1622
there are no more words to say, just you'll close them in your heart sooner or later.

Khone Falls in Laos

06 Oct 2006 1 2 2848
The Mekhong (Mekong) falls called uselly Khone Pha Pheng Falls but is shorten to "Khone Falls" for the tourists. Its located in the Laos province Champasak touched to the border of Cambodia. A beautiful place to spend quiet holidays far away from all common annoying tourists centers.

Kwan Phayao Lake, Thailand

22 Mar 2016 6 2 1694
a beautiful idyllic place in Northern Thailand. The artificial lake is located beside the Thai city Phayao south of Chiang Rai.

5434 photos in total