Wolfgang's photos

Diving in Burma 81

Diving in Burma 82

Diving in Burma 83

Diving in Burma 84

Diving in Burma 85

Diving in Burma 86

Diving in Burma 87

Diving in Burma 88

Meeting over soft corals

13 Mar 2008 553
Soft corals are an order of corals which do not produce calcium carbonate skeletons. The corals contain minute, spiny skeletal elements called sclerites, useful in species identification. Soft corals are very sensible, we divers have to take much care not to touch them, which isn't easy as it looks like. UW currents sometimes push divers onto the rocks and corals.

Diving in Burma 90

Scorpion fish

13 Mar 2008 443
Can you recognize the scorpion fish? Some types, such as the lionfish, are attractive as well as dangerous, and highly desired for private aquaria.

Diving in Burma 92

View to the Isthmus of Kra

Way into Kaw Thaung harbour

Kaw Thaung our checkout port

13 Mar 2008 485
It took about one hours to pick up our passports we had to leave in the office of the immigration. Our dear Burmesian liaison officer got off board to Kaw Thaung.

Way into Kaw Thaung harbour

13 Mar 2008 1 619
At the southernmost part of Burma the Isthmus of Kra divides Thailand and Burma.

Thai Fisher boats on the pier

13 Mar 2008 563
in Ranong on thai territory

Thai fisher boat with Burmesian workers

13 Mar 2008 808
There are thousands Burmesian "Guest"-workers doing hard job underpaid and mistreated from unscrupulous dirty business men.

5434 photos in total