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  Publication date  /  2008  /  April  /  3   -   23 photos

« April 2008    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30    April 2008 »

  • In the private guest house at Tramar
  • Our team from the Mustang treck
  • Kali Gandaki valley
  • Back in Jomsom
  • Dzong in Kagbeni
  • Having a rest in Kagbeni
  • Chorten in Tsele
  • Lhoba girl in Tsele
  • Coming back to Tsele after eleven days
  • Tsele (or Tse-Le) 3050 m
  • Down the ThaklamLa (pass) 3240 m
  • Tsele houses with its domestic animals
  • Kids in Tsele
  • Ranchung Chorten
  • A small village called Shyammochen
  • Our Yaks and its stockman
  • Narrow path at the ThaklamLa (pass) 3240 m
  • Way back to Tsele
  • Way back to Tsele
  • GhamiLa (pass) 3520 m
  • Steep way down the GhamiLa (pass) 3520 m
  • Maoists probagate their election program from door to door
  • A narrow way wasn't a problem for our Yaks