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  Publication date  /  2008  /  April  /  2   -   40 photos

« April 2008    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30    April 2008 »

  • Tramar
  • Into the Tramar valley
  • Walking along to Tramar
  • Lunch time at Ghar Gompa
  • Hard trecking conditions at the backway
  • Mustang girl with her back basket
  • View from the top of an hill
  • Landscape near Mustang
  • View to the Tibet border Mustang
  • On the way to Namgyal Gompa northside of Mustang
  • Ghar Gompa
  • Prayer flags on the Gompas roof tops
  • Inside the Namgyal Gompa
  • Prayer wheels outside the Ghar Gompa
  • Way back leaving Mustang town
  • Last views from Mustang town
  • The way up to Namgyal Gompa
  • Three women fighting against the storm
  • Protection wall against wild goats
  • Panorama view from the Namgyal Gompa
  • Chorten at Namgyal Gompa
  • Yard in the Namgyal Gompa
  • Landscape north of Mustang
  • Meeting the Maoist group in Geling
  • The rocks befor Tramar village
  • Valley of Tramar (Red Crag)
  • Way down into the Tramar valley
  • Chorten at Ghar Gompa
  • Boy in Tramar
  • Thakali girl in Tramar
  • Boy in Tramar
  • Our cook preparing tea
  • Tramar village
  • Khola (beck or river) in Tramar
  • Reaching Tramar late in the afternoon
  • Sunset in Tramar
  • Rocks at Tramar
  • Bizarre landscape in the Tramar area
  • Shy Thakkali girl and our Sherpa guide
  • Leaving the Ghar Gompa