Search through Wolfgang's photos

  Publication date  /  2008  /  March  /  31   -   36 photos

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  • Alleyway in Mustang town
  • Monk in Mustang town
  • Inhabitants in Mustang
  • The Gompa in Mustang town
  • Mustang inhabitants welcome us
  • Mustang town
  • The last steps to Mustang town
  • Landscape before Mustang town
  • The gate to Mustang town
  • Panorama view near Mustang town
  • Kiddies in Tsarang
  • Kiddies in Tsarang
  • Abbot of Tsarang and Salama
  • Wall painting inside the Gompa
  • Entrance inside a Gompa
  • On the rooftop of a Gompa in Tsarang
  • Chorten on the way to Mustang town
  • Paws of a snow leopard
  • Tsarang Chorten
  • Inside a Gompa
  • Chorten near Geling
  • Ghami village
  • Chorten before Tsarang
  • On the way to Tsarang
  • Mustang town center
  • Mustang from the top view
  • Gable of the Namgyal Gompa
  • Along an alley in Mustang town
  • Mustang center place and post office
  • Our host lady in Mustang town
  • A good cook and simple kitchen
  • Other view from the rooftop
  • Chorten inside Mustang town
  • Our guide and interpreter in Mustang town
  • Mani wall in Mustang town
  • In Mustang town