The man inside the water hyacinth

On the Klong to Lat Krabang

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05 Mar 2013

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747 visits

The man inside the water hyacinth

The klongs arount Bangkok often are covered with plants and hyacinths which makes a go on drive through the cannel very difficult or sometimes impossible. The man tries to clean the surface of a part the klong without getting any success.

05 Mar 2013

600 visits

Stork on a very small twig

Beside a klong in Minburi outside Bangkok. The heavy stork bird finds its placre on the smallest bough. Its rearl, not edited or fixed with computer technic. It seems that the bird likes shaking in the tree.

05 Mar 2013

652 visits

Klong between Minburi and Lat Krabang

In the few places remaining klongs are, though pungent, still picturesque. Old bridges survive, crooked houses still crowd the waters edge. Outside the capitel of Bangkok still are some beautiful khlongs which survived draining or filling the chanal because of the risk of cholera they posed, or to make way for badly needed roads.

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05 Mar 2013

691 visits

Few traffic on the canal

Most of the famous canals in Bangkok are gone forever, just outside the city still they are. Klongs were used for transportation and for floating markets, but also for sewage disposal. The local resident rowing his boat on the canal is planting water vegetable and several varieties of leafy greens.

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05 Mar 2013

862 visits

Idyllic atmosphere along the Klong Bung Yai

Real nice atmosphere happen in Minburi where still the Klongs survived destruction. But ther is nearly no traffic on the water due the handicap of water hyacinths on the water surface.

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05 Mar 2013

315 visits

Water hyacinths on Klong Sam

The hyacinth field serves as an ideal resting place for a variety of birds. Seen and captured in center of an industry area at Minburi a suburb of Bangkok.

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05 Mar 2013

351 visits

Fishing net over hyacinth plants

A catch with a net like this has become impossible there. Local residents do not the fish net anymore.

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05 Mar 2013

262 visits

All the best comes - hopefully not - from above

A spectator who barked a "Hey you" from the bridge.

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05 Mar 2013

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485 visits

Simple housing along Klong Sam

Slum huts along the Klong in Minburi a suburb of Bangkok. The satellite dish seams to be fixed everywhere on almost every hut.
21 items in total