Sai Mai in the Ismuth of Kra

Kawthaung in Myanmar

Every body who has been touring in Burmese waters will keep an unique an indescribable amazing diving experience in his life. Many sorts of marine wildlife could be seen and a lot of giant fish, like the Whale Shark or Manta Ray with its wings which sometimes have a wing-span of more than 5 meters.
Here I don't place my UW-photos they are posted in other albums already like…  (read more)

Sai Mai in the Ismuth of Kra

10 Nov 2005 662
Our berth when we check in and check out for Burmese immigration administrations. The liaison officer is boarding our boat for the whole tour in Burmese waters.

Kawthaung peninsula and the Thai mainland

10 Nov 2005 1412
Kawthaung is just 5 nautical miles from Ranong and it takes only 30 minutes from Ranong by long tail boat for sightseeing and shopping. The main business of Kawthaung is trade with Thailand, fishing, rubber and cashew nuts.


21 Mar 2004 677
Kawthaung is in the southernmost part of Burma, located in Tanintharyi Region. During British rule in Burma between 1824 and 1948, it was known as Victoria Point.

Cafe shop in Kawthaung

10 Nov 2005 637
While we waited for getting back our documents from the port officers, we spent our time in a Cafe shop at the harbor. Some Burmese girls offered their service to reduce the time of waiting and made it more enjoyable.

Kawthaung and its street life

10 Nov 2005 629
A few restaurants in the Burmese palace replica building are located in front of the Kawthaung harbor.

A rainbow over Kawthaung

Lonely pinnacle on the way back

10 Nov 2005 4 867
Back to Kawthaung we passed many of this pinnacles which we missed when we started our tour two weeks before. At the background the mainland of Thailand.

Pinnacle range along the tour back

10 Nov 2005 628
We passed many uninhabited small islands on our tour to the Mergui Archipelago.

Sunset mood near Kawthaung

21 Mar 2004 656
Every twilight we had during our tour in Burma was so much colorful, we couldn't get enough of that beautiful vista.

Sun already set

21 Mar 2004 607
The last minutes sun light before the sky changed into dark and the first stars can be seen.

The way out from Kawthaung

21 Mar 2004 407
At the evening hours, after finishing the administration in the Kawthaung port, we left the bay enjoying an amazing sun set view.

Sunset at the ocean skyline

06 Nov 2005 1 2941
Minutes later the sun disappears, the rays still light the sky for a short time after sunset.

Natural color performace

08 Nov 2005 2 625
One of the most spectacular natural scenes I've ever seen. The color and the formation at the sky changed from minute to minute.

Last minutes of the natural spectacle

Sunset with a natural color spectacle

07 Nov 2005 1 595
This was the unforgettable minutes we had during last days of our tour in Burma. Just an hours later the weather changed into thunderstorm and high waves.

Sunset at the skyline

09 Nov 2005 758
Last evening before return to Kawthaung

Cloud sculptures at the skyline

07 Nov 2005 3 1 895
The clouds at the horizon gave the imagination for an exiting natural theater.

Spectacular sunset atmosphere

08 Nov 2005 4 1 815
Colorful clouds at the skyline and above.

47 items in total