The map of the railway from Lhasa to Xining

The Tibet Railway

When I visited Lhasa the first time in May 2004 I said to my friend that it would surely take another ten years to finish such a high technical project like the Tibet Railway.
Three years later I was sitting myself in this train from Lhasa to Xining.
Opponents of China's Tibet policies claim that the railway was built to strengthen its political control over Tibet. But fact is the project is a mas…  (read more)

Along the Tanggula mountain range

16 Aug 2007 725
We got the amazing feeling that this range will not find an end. The train goes with a speed of approximate 40 km/h.

Tanggula Mountain range

16 Aug 2007 3 2 1153
Tanggula Mountain is the boundary of Tibet Autonomous Region and Qinghai Province and stands in the middle section of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Its main peaks are more than 6,000 meters above sea level. The highest Geladandong Peak is 6,621 meters above sea level. The Tanggula Mountain is the place of origin of the Yangtze River.

Bizarre rock strata near Tanggula town

Along the Tongtian River

Late in the afternoon

16 Aug 2007 1 542
The day of the amazing ride with the train goes to the end. We enjoy the last vista out the window.

Headstream of the Changjiang River (Yangtze River)

16 Aug 2007 3 1085
Here the Yangtze River also called Changjiang River. It was on of the last views we had before sunset.

Inside the dining coach

16 Aug 2007 1015
The service is quite different than is common in western habits. You don't order the food out of a menu card. You reserve and order the table for 4 passengers and pay 200 ¥ = 22,50 €. The food comes on plates one by one, all different dishes and more than enough. The people eat what they like. Soft drinks included, beer and other alcoholic drinks extra.

We enjoy the food in the train coach

16 Aug 2007 1 1 1387
The food on every plate was absolute delicious.

First view in the early morning ...

17 Aug 2007 484
... was the housings and the landscape close to Xining. We had the impression to see scenes behind the curtains where the people live in a dingy way.

Railway station in Xining

17 Aug 2007 745
Xining is located on the eastern edge of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the upper reaches of Huangshui River. It is the political, economic, scientific and technological, cultural and traffic center of Qinghai Province with an average altitude of over 2200 meters. The activities of human beings in this region can be traced to 2,100 years ago. During the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties, owing to its developing agriculture, Xining was paid more attention due to its economic and martial significance. As well as being the important hinge between the central plains and the western part of China in ancient time, Xining was the most common passing channel of the famous Silk Road. Until now, it is still the only road by which to enter the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. At present, five districts, three counties and a national economic and technological development zone are under the administration of the local government. With a population of more than two million, Xining is the first city on the upper reaches of the Yellow River to achieve a population into the millions. There are about 37 nationalities living here, including Han, Hui, Tu and Tibetan. The local traditions and customs are influenced by these distinctive nationalities, in particular the Hui (Muslim) and Tibetan group. Xining is also called the Summer Resort Capital of China for its cool summer. The region also provides a number of attractions making a visit to the area well worth considering. The scenery of the Qinghai Lake, situated within Xining, provides an escape from fervent cities and allows you to experience beautiful natural sceneries. The Birds Island, situated on the northwest of Qinghai Lake, is waiting to present you with an extensive array of birds. To the southwest of Xining, is the birthplace of the founder of the Gelugpa Sect; an important Tibetan Buddhist monastery, Kumbum was built there. Dongguan Mosque, one of the biggest mosques in northern China.

Arriving Xining railway station on the dot

17 Aug 2007 1 1375
After a 24 hours ride by the Qingsang railway we got off in Xining for one day. A stopover which gave us the change to visit a completely new built mega town in China's province Qinghai. Xining is an example of China's jumping way into the modern future.

Xining Station Plaza

17 Aug 2007 5 1486
Xining is a new built city. A major earthquake occurred 22nd of May 1927 and measured 8.6 on Richter scale. It was one of the deadliest earthquakes with a total count of 200,000 deaths. It also caused large land fractures.

66 items in total