wintorbos' photos

Outcrop, Pine Island

04 Aug 2013 177
Poking up through some exposed rock is a new fir tree.

Pine on Pine Island

04 Aug 2013 172
A nice pine tree on Pine Island. Relatively few are left as the old-growth pine were used for lumber a century ago.

Matthews Island Lighthouse

04 Aug 2013 166
From the Pine Island ferry dock (which doesn't exist anymore although remnants are visible in the water here).

Matthews Island Lighthouse

04 Aug 2013 182
The lighthouse is my favourite photographic subject.

Greetings from Canada - Saskatchewan

31 Jul 2013 281
This card contains the strip of ~10 photos of "cowboys and Indians" shown separately. The strip is credited to the Valentine & Sons United Publishing Co. Ltd. of Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver but the rest of the card appears to be from the U.K. Valentine's. It is described as a "Mailing Card" and was printed in Great Britain. It was mailed at Battleford, Sask. on December 9, 1924 (I believe) to Mmiss Margaret Moss, 43 Queens Rd., Northampton, England and a "From" line on the opposite half of the back is filled in with the name "E. B. Snedker". The card has an instruction I haven't seen before which is that the "letter" half of the back can only contain the name and address of the sender -- "If any other writing, Two Cent Stamp is required." Perhaps this was an English requirement in the 1920s. The verse on the front is the opening lines of the rarely-heard second verse of O Canada! (the national anthem). This version of the Saskatchewan card (i.e. with the cowboys and Indians strip) is not listed by Smith as part of Series 24 Valentine & Sons (see p. 246 of Vol. II of his patriotics book).

New C.P.R. Station - Winnipeg.

31 Jul 2013 205
Number 13 in the De Nobele series, showing the brand new (and still not quite finished) Canadian Pacific Railway station on Higgins Avenue in Winnipeg. This was mailed on June 12, 1906 to Miss H. Butcher, 31 Ballingdon Rd., Clapham Com., London S. W. England without a message.

Cowboys and Indians (strip from Greetings from Can…

31 Jul 2013 258
This strip (which has one or two more images at the top end that couldn't be scanned) appears from under the Saskatchewan crest on the "Greetings from Canada" card.

"Times" Man Is Here (Interview with English Writer…

31 Jul 2013 165
Winnipeg Tribune, August 7, 1905, p. 10 -- this takes the form of an interview, which you don't see very often at this time in a newspaper.

The T. Eaton Co. is Coming West

31 Jul 2013 146
Winnipeg Tribune, July 2, 1904, p. 1 -- Eaton's is coming! Interesting story about the real estate acquisitions that were required.

Advertisement for Winnipeg Illustrated, 1904

31 Jul 2013 164
Winnipeg Tribune, December 9, 1904, p. 8 -- The famous "Martel" book, the biggest and most impressive of all the early Winnipeg view books -- offered for sale by Barrowclough & Semple. G.A. Barrowclough, brother of B&S proprietor Samuel L. Barrowclough, took a number of the photos in the book.

Barrowclough bear report

30 Jul 2013 213
Jan. 17, 1906, p. 10 of the Winnipeg Tribune.

Joseph Barrowclough dies

30 Jul 2013 191
September 21, 1914, p. 3 of the Winnipeg Tribune.

Old Imperial Store

30 Jul 2013 186
Winnipeg Tribune, June 8, 1908, p. 5 -- the Imperial Dry Goods Block suffered a fire and was shortly to be converted into the Royal Bank building. This building is pictured here on a postcard, likely a couple of years earlier, during a previous liquidation sale:

Immigration Department cards

30 Jul 2013 273
Winnipeg Tribune, July 24, 1905, p. 12 -- a big find here as we see the Government Agent cards being described. This gives us a rough date for their creation (which is about right given the postmarks on the series, which tend to be late 1905 and into 1906). Click on the Government Agent Cards 'album' at right to see some of the cards in this set.

Winnipeg Tribune advertisement

30 Jul 2013 176
Advertisement for the Tory paper and long-time (and now much missed) rival to the dominant Winnipeg Free Press -- May 15, 1899, p. 8.

Israel Myers charged with selling obscene postcard…

30 Jul 2013 208
Very interesting. I have seen Israel Myers described as a postcard manufacturer or seller. This is from the Winnipeg Tribune, December 20, 1907, p. 5.

Attractive postcards (Palmer)

30 Jul 2013 197
I'm not familiar with Palmer. Winnipeg Tribune, May 31, 1905, p. 5.

Autograph or travelling card

30 Jul 2013 160
Interesting. I have heard of these. This is in a fashion column by Catherine Mann-Payzant that seems to have been syndicated out of New York City. Winnipeg Tribune, June 23, 1906, p. 17.

1254 photos in total